Board Certified Pharmacotherapy Specialist
Board Certified Nutrition Support Pharmacist
Apple Teacher
Pharm.D., Wayne State University (Detroit, MI)
PGY-1 Pharmacy Practice Residency, Johns Hopkins Hospital (Baltimore, MD)
PGY-2 Critical Care Specialty Residency, Regional Medical Center/University of Tennessee Health Science Center (Memphis, TN)
Dr. Connor’s specialty is critical care, and at the Wegmans School of Pharmacy she has taught didactically in Pathophysiology & Therapeutics I-IV, Self-Care & Natural Products, and Concepts in Pharmacy Practice I and II. Currently, she is the coordinator of Top 200 Drugs II. She has also taught at the Wegmans School of Nursing and the University of Rochester Medical Center (URMC) School of Medicine.
Dr. Connor strives to maintain an exemplary clinical site in the Surgical ICU at URMC, and precepts Wegmans School of Pharmacy students in their Introductory and Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences. Dr. Connor is also a dedicated advisor and a member of the Inpatient Advisory Committee (IPAC), among others. In addition, Dr. Connor is proud to be the American College of Clinical Pharmacy (ACCP) College of Pharmacy Faculty Liaison for the School of Pharmacy, and is passionate about involving students in clinical pharmacy and encouraging early participation in professional organizations.
Before beginning her tenure at the Wegmans School of Pharmacy in 2009, Dr. Connor was fortunate to complete two ASHP-accredited residencies, in challenging clinical environments under the guidance of internationally-recognized directors and preceptors. Dr. Connor is doubly board-certified, in Pharmacotherapy and Nutrition Support, is expecting to finish an ACCP teaching certificate program soon, and is an APhA-certified immunizer.
Dr. Connor enjoys clinical research and scientific writing. She is fortunate to have published several papers and has been invited to present in various locations locally and nationally (please see below).
Since her days as a student pharmacist and pharmacy resident, Dr. Connor has been heavily involved in many pharmacy organizations, including SCCM, ACCP, APhA, ASP, SIDP, ASHP, A.S.P.E.N., and their local affiliates. She is also honored to have chaired numerous committees, and has been invited/nominated to hold many national leadership positions.
Dr. Connor has also had the opportunity to practice pharmacy in different regions of the country, including the Midwest, the East Coast, and the Mid-South, and is always eager to relate her experiences to students, both in the classroom and at her practice site. Over the years she has seen the strong, positive impact that pharmacists, pharmacy residents, and pharmacy students alike can have on patient care, particularly for the vulnerable and complicated critically ill population, and especially in progressive clinical environments.
Dr. Connor feels that nothing informs her teaching and benefits her students more than her clinical and leadership experience and looks forward to continuing to contribute to the education of her future pharmacy colleagues.
When she is not working, Dr. Connor enjoys hiking, swimming, traveling, cooking and eating vegan food, animals and nature, various intellectual and cultural pursuits, and spending time with her family.
- Negative Outcome Following Systemic Alteplase Administration Prior to Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation in a Kidney Transplant Patient With Cardiac Arrest: A Case Report. doi: https://doi.org/10.14740/jocmr4744. J Clin Med Res. 2022 Co-authored with Jennifer Falvey; Stephen Rappaport.
- Multicenter Retrospective Review of Ketamine Use in the ICU. doi: 10.1097/CCE.0000000000000633. Critical Care Explorations: February 2022. Co-authored with Christine Groth, Christopher Droege, Kimberly Kaukeinen, Nicole Acquisto, et al.
- A Retrospective Characterization of Dexmedetomidine-Suspected Fever and Its Consequences in Adult Critically Ill Patients. DOI: 1177/10600280211060082. Ann Pharmacother. 2022 Jan 6. Co-authored with Emily Schranz, Stephen Rappaport, Christine Groth, Paritosh Prasad, Kevin Cooper.
- Addressing challenges of providing remote inpatient clinical pharmacy services. DOI: 10.1002/jac5.1553 . J Am Coll Clin Pharm (JACCP). 2021. Co-authored with Deborah Bondi, Prasannaraddi Alavandi, John Allen, Lisa Avery, Emily Buatois, Jay Martello, Sarah Michienzi, Toby Trujillo, Joseph Ybarra, Allison Chung.
- Drug Update. CE Article. Drug Fever: A Patient Case Scenario and Review of the Evidence. https://doi.org/10.4037/aacnacc2020311. AACN Adv Crit Care 2020 Sept. Co-authored with Kevin Maddock.
- Analysis of the impact of secondary prophylaxis on Clostridioides difficile recurrence in critically ill adults. https://doi.org/10.1177/2050312120930898. SAGE Open Medicine. January-December 2020. Co-authored with Kelly Conn.
- Acid–base effects of continuous infusion furosemide in clinically stable surgical ICU patients: an analysis based on the Stewart model. DOI: 10.1007/s10157-020-01867-y. Clin Exp Nephrol. 2020 Jun. Co-authored with Kelly Conn, David Kaufman, Curtis Haas.
- Anticoagulants Chapter, Clinical Significance. Foye’s Principles of Medicinal Chemistry, 8th Edition. 2019. Co-authored with Anand Sridhar.
Virtual Precepting During a Pandemic. Department of Pharmacy, Strong Memorial Hospital, Preceptor Development Session. June 2020.
Groth CM, Droege C, Connor KA, et al. Effects of Ketamine on Pain, Sedation, and Delirium in the Intensive Care Unit (Ketamine-ICU Study). 2020 SCCM Annual Congress, Orlando, FL. STAR Research Award Recipient, presented by C. Groth.
Groth CM, Droege C, Connor KA, et al. Multicenter Retrospective Review of Ketamine Use in the Intensive Care Unit (Ketamine-ICU Study). 2020 SCCM Annual Congress, Orlando, FL. STAR Research Award Recipient, presented by C. Groth.
- 2022 AACP Annual Meeting. Utilizing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Survey Results to Fulfill Gaps in the Pharm.D. Curriculum. Sha-Phawn Williams; Amy Parkhill; David Hutchinson; Matthew Zak; Kelly Conn; Mona Gandhi; Kathryn Connor; Ramil Sapinoro. July 2022. Grapevine, TX.
- ACCP Virtual Annual Meeting. Relationship between activated partial thromboplastin time and bleeding and thrombosis in patients with acute on chronic liver failure. Stephen Rappaport, Mikaela Brown, Kathryn Connor, Kevin Cooper, Carrie Moar, Cassian Horoszczak, Paritosh Prasad. October 2021.
- ACCP Virtual Annual Meeting. Negative outcome following alteplase administration prior to extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in a kidney transplant patient with cardiac arrest: a case report. Rappaport S, Falvey J, Connor KA. October 2020.
- ACCP Virtual Poster Symposium. Characteristics and consequences of dexmedetomidine-induced fever in adult critically ill patients. Schranz EK, Connor KA, Rappaport SH, Groth C, Prasad P, Kevin K. May 2020.
- New York State ACCP Annual Meeting. Connor KA, Conn K, Mann, A, Kolpek JH, Haas CE. Encore Poster Presentation. MeRIT Project: Preliminary analysis of the impact of secondary prophylaxis on Clostridium difficile recurrence in the SICU. November 2019. Albany, NY.
- ACCP Annual Meeting. Rappaport S, Cooper K, Gardner J, Prasad P, Connor K. A case report of suspected dexmedetomidine-induced fever in the surgical intensive care unit. October, 2019. New York City, NY.
- ACCP Annual Meeting. Rappaport S, Cooper K, Gardner J, Prasad P, Connor K. A case report of suspected dexmedetomidine-induced fever in the surgical intensive care unit. October, 2019. New York City, NY.
Research Experience
- The SCCM US ICU Registry Working Group. 2021-2022.
- 4F-PCC use in Coagulopathic Bleeding. 2021-2022. URMC, SMH Co-preceptor of Elizabeth Uttaro, Pharm.D., PGY-1 Pharmacy Resident.
- Incidence of bleeding and thrombosis in critically ill patients with acute on chronic liver failure and elevated activated partial thromboplastin times. Stephen Rappaport Pharm.D., BCPS, Mikaela Brown Pharm.D., Kathryn Connor Pharm.D., BCCCP, Kevin Cooper NP, Carrie Moar NP, Cassian Horoszczak MD, Paritosh Prasad MD. SMH, 2020. Awarded ACCP Critical Care PRN Resident Research Grant.
- Impact of a stewardship intervention on the management of obstetric infections. 2020-2021. Co-preceptor of Kelly Golden, Pharm.D., Highland Hospital (HH)PGY-1 Pharmacy Resident.
- Dexmedetomidine-induced fever in adult critically ill patients: A comparative study. 2019-2020. SMH, Co-investigator/Co-preceptor of Emily Schranz, Pharm.D., PGY-2 Critical Care Pharmacy Resident.
- Pediatric Sedation Requirements in Pediatric Intensive Care Patients Before and After Discontinuation of Neuromuscular Blocking Agents. 2019-2020, Co preceptor of Matt O’Connell, Pharm.D., PGY-2 Pediatrics Pharmacy Resident.
Honors and Awards
St. John Fisher College
- SJF Preceptor of the Year Award Nominee, 2022.
- SJF News Highlights Article, ‘Four Pharmacy Faculty Lead Professional Organizations, Oct. 2021, https://www.SJF.edu/news-and-events/news-archive/fall-2021/four-pharmacy-faculty-lead-organizations/.
- Pharmacy Organization Podcast, 2021.
- Rho Chi Induction, nominated by P-3 Class, Spring 2021.
- SJF Newsletter Article, ‘Connor Named President-Elect of State Pharmacy Association’, 2020, https://www.SJF.edu/news-and-events/news-archive/spring-2020/connor-named-president-elect/.
- SJF Faculty Conference Award, Fall 2020.
- ACCP Critical Care PRN Resident Research Grant (co-investigator, $1.500), Fall 2020.
- Two SCCM STAR abstract awards (co-investigator), Jan. 2020.
- SJF Faculty Travel Grant, Fall 2019.
- SJF, one-semester sabbatical, Spring 2019.