Title IX Gender Discrimination and Harassment

St. John Fisher University (the “University”) is committed to maintaining a community in which learning and working can be carried out in an environment of respect, open-mindedness, and integrity. The University stands opposed to all forms of discrimination, harassment, and violence and will work to prevent such behavior within the University community.

The policies and procedures administered by the Title IX Office are subject to change as federal Title IX regulations and guidance and applicable state law requirements may evolve. The University’s Title IX coordinator or a designee can respond to any inquiries and inform parties of the applicable policies and procedures. We will promptly update and post any amendments to the policies and procedures that may become necessary to ensure the University’s continuing compliance with federal and state law requirements.

Anyone may report Prohibited Conduct under the Policy (whether or not the person reporting is the person alleged to be the victim), in person, by mail, by telephone or electronic mail using the below-listed contact information for the Title IX Coordinator, or by any other means that results in the Title IX Coordinator receiving a verbal or written disclosure or report. The University’s Title IX Coordinator is available to help students and employees understand their options regarding both receiving Supportive Measures and reporting sex discrimination or other Prohibited Conduct under this Policy. The Title IX Coordinator is unable to guarantee confidentiality but they will maintain privacy to the fullest extent. Additionally, the Title IX Coordinator is responsible for ensuring compliance with Title IX and its regulations, as well as the New York State Education Law 129-B.

The Title IX Coordinator, Meg Flaherty, can be reached Monday-Friday from 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. by phone at (585) 385-8232, by email at titleix@sjf.edu, or after hours by contacting the Residence Director on duty, or Campus Safety & Security.

The Title IX coordinator:

  • Supports those who assist with Title IX compliance;
  • Ensures that the University policies and procedures provide prompt and equitable resolutions to allegations of Prohibited Conduct, including mitigating real or perceived conflicts of interest;
  • Annually reviews the University’s sexual harassment policies;
  • Annually reviews the University’s educational programs and opportunities for the campus community regarding the topics of sexual and harassment;
  • Informs campus community members about appropriate reporting processes for Prohibited Conduct allegations involving campus community members;
  • Tracks/monitors sex discrimination allegations involving campus community members;
  • Ensures that training, education, and prevention efforts with respect to sex discrimination allegations are provided for campus community members;
  • Provides for mandatory training for those implementing the grievance procedures (Title IX Coordinator, investigators, decision-makers, Hearing Officers, Hearing Committee members) regarding University policies, Title IX Grievance Processes, and the Informal Resolution process, and applicable non-disclosure requirements;
  • Promotes the creation and implementation of policies, procedures, and notifications designed to ensure the University's compliance with Title IX;
  • Acts as a liaison to the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights and other state and federal agencies that enforce Title IX;
  • Oversees matters related to the University's compliance with NYS Education Law 129-B.

The Title IX coordinator maintains broad oversight responsibility but may delegate responsibilities under this policy to designated administrators or external professionals who will have appropriate training and/or experience. 

When used in the Policy, the term “Title IX Coordinator” may include an appropriate designee, including the Assistant Vice President for Human Resources or another representative from Human Resources who has appropriate training and experience. Complaints of employee-employee Prohibited Conduct will be handled and maintained by Human Resources within the same framework and Grievance Procedures contained within this policy, in coordination with the Title IX Coordinator.  The Assistant Vice President for Human Resources or another representative from Human Resources will provide all required documentation required to be retained to the Title IX Coordinator. 

Department of Education

In addition to the reporting choices below, persons may direct information about their allegations to the Office of Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education.

The OCR National Headquarters is located at:

Department of Education
Office for Civil Rights
Lyndon Baines Johnson Department of Education Building
400 Maryland Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20202-1100

Telephone: (800) 421-3481
Fax: (202) 453-6012; TDD: (800) 877-8339
Email: OCR@ed.gov

Additional Information

Gender Inclusive Bathrooms

In the 2023-2024 academic year, the Sexuality and Gender Alliance (SAGA) of St. John Fisher University worked with the Student Government Association (SGA) to pass a resolution regarding the need for an increase in gender-inclusive restrooms on campus. Under the leadership of Matthew Cieplicki ’24, SAGA began this initiative in hopes of creating a more inclusive and accepting environment for members of the Fisher community. Working with administration, facilities, and student leaders, the resolution to increase gender-inclusive restrooms was approved by the 2022-2023 SGA Senate. Thanks to the work of the Facilities Department, there are now 20 gender-inclusive restrooms across campus

  • Donald E. Bain Campus Center – second floor, 222 and 223
  • Dugan Yard – Player Development Center 
  • Facilities Building – first floor, 114
  • Founders Hall – first floor, 101 and 102
  • James S. Alesi Academic Center – basement and second floor, B005, B006, 205, and 206
  • Kearney Hall – ground floor, R004
  • Murphy Hall – first floor, M155
  • Murray Hall – second floor, 200C
  • Pioch Hall – first floor, C109 A and B
  • Upper Quad Hall – first floor, 108
  • Victor E. Salerno Center for American Enterprise – first floor, 007 and 008
  • Wegmans School of Nursing – third floor, 312

Campus Climate Survey

Fisher administers a Campus Climate Survey on Sexual Misconduct every other year, and the results are published on the website when they are available. For questions or a presentation about the survey or results, please contact the Title IX coordinator (contact information above). 

View the Campus Climate Survey 2023 [pdf]

View the Campus Climate Survey 2021 [pdf]

View the Campus Climate Survey 2019 [pdf]

View the Campus Climate Survey 2017 [pdf]

SUNY Student Conduct Institute Training

Institutional Member of the Student Conduct Institute. The State University of NY.

Federal and State laws require annual training of certain officials who have a role in the review, receipt of, investigation of, adjudication of, and appeal of certain reports of sexual, interpersonal, and related violence. In fulfillment of this requirement, St. John Fisher University is a member of the SUNY Student Conduct Institute. The SUNY Student Conduct Institute trains personnel at public and private institutions of higher education that have a role in receiving reports, investigation, adjudication, hearing, appeal, and advisement. 

The Institute is a joint Project of the SUNY Student Conduct Association (SUNYSCA), SUNY Title IX Coordinators Association (STIXCA), and the Office of General Counsel. The Institute is funded through the New York State "Enough is Enough" grant and from contributions made by member institutions. The Institute is led by the Director, Dr. Gemma Rinefierd, in consultation with the Principal Investigator, SUNY Associate Counsel Joseph Storch, and a steering committee of professionals from SUNY campuses who are members of participating institutions.

Access the training materials used to train St. John Fisher University personnel.

Campus Title IX Training