IACUC Faculty FAQs

Get answers to all your questions about the IACUC process for faculty members.

Which projects need IACUC approval and which do not?

In order to comply with the requirements of the Animal Welfare Act and other applicable federal and state regulations, all research or teaching using live vertebrate animals conducted under the auspices of Fisher must be submitted to the IACUC for approval.

Do I need IACUC approval to use animals as part of a laboratory/classroom exercise?

Animals that are used for educational purposes are covered under the Animal Welfare Act as well as other applicable and state regulations. Examples include animals that are set up for observation, handling, or manipulation for a classroom/laboratory exercise. These exercises need IACUC approval prior to beginning.

What type of training is required to work with animals?

Effective 6/1/19, all faculty, staff and students conducting research or teaching that involves live vertebrate animals must complete the necessary CITI training prior to IACUC approval.

If my research involves state and federal permits, do I need to turn them in with my proposal?

Yes. All required permits need to be turned in with the application before IACUC review.

How many years can my protocol to be approved for?

Per federal regulations, animal research protocols may be approved for a maximum of three years. At the end of the three-year approval, a de novo protocol application must be submitted to the IACUC for review.

Is there any type of follow up on protocols that are approved for three years?

In order to assure compliance with all government requirements and to inform the IACUC of the current status of the project, each protocol must also be reviewed annually. A continuing review form should be used for this purpose, and should be completed two weeks before your anniversary approval date. This form will be distributed by the IACUC approximately 30 days before their anniversary date.

Are there any special circumstances that I must submit further documentation to the IACUC even though I have IACUC approval?

Possible circumstances that would require you to send in a protocol for modification include an adverse event which is related to study procedures, a change to the described study procedures, a change in research staff, or termination of the study.

What happens if my protocol expires?

The IACUC will notify the PI/course instructor 30 days before the end of their protocol to ensure they have ample time to resubmit in order to continue their research. If they don't re-submit in the needed time frame, their research must stop until they have a new approved protocol.

Who do I contact for further questions?

Additional questions can be addressed to the committee at IACUCcommittee@sjf.edu.