Fisher Alumnus to Serve on Rochester City Council

September 25, 2020

St. John Fisher College graduate Miguel A. Meléndez, Jr. ’08 was recently selected to serve as a Councilmember at Large on the Rochester City Council, filling a seat vacated in August. During a special session on Thursday, Sept. 24, he was formally named to the position and took his Oath of Office. He will serve until December 31, 2021, which coincides with the term for that seat.

Miguel A. Meléndez Jr

Meléndez, a native of Rochester, brings significant experience in community development and Asset-Based Community Development to City Council. He is the chief community engagement officer at Ibero-American Action League, enhancing case management services and supporting residents in improving the quality of life in their neighborhoods.

"It is a tremendous honor to have been selected to serve in the seat vacated by former Councilmember Jacklyn Ortiz,” said Meléndez in a press release announcing his appointment. “We have worked together for a number of years and I know she will be a resource. I am grateful to this Council for recognizing my passion, acknowledging my community work, and selecting to appoint me to serve as their colleague. My work with Ibero has connected me to individuals and organizations throughout the City, and I know that they will keep me accountable in this role. I cherish the opportunity to articulate grassroots issues, uplift everyday voices, support communities of color, and advocate with residents. I will work with everyone to move our city forward.”

Meléndez is a graduate of East High School and earned a bachelor’s degree in psychology with a minor in philosophy from Fisher.