Pharmacy Class of 2026 Earn their White Coats

September 2, 2022

After an immersive orientation week on campus, first-year students in the Wegmans School of Pharmacy at St. John Fisher University took the first ceremonial step in their academic careers during the annual White Coat Ceremony.

Held on Friday, Sept. 2, the White Coat Ceremony is a rite of passage for students, celebrating the start of their first semester at the School and formally welcoming them into the pharmacy profession. Students earn their white coats, which they will wear in the classroom and out in the field as they build a cadre of academic and hands-on pharmacy experience.

Dr. Christine Birnie, dean of the School, offered welcoming remarks and Dr. Diane Rudy, visiting assistant professor, led members of the Class of 2026 in reciting the Oath of a Pharmacist.