Wegmans School of Nursing December Graduates Recognized at Pinning Ceremony
On Friday, Dec. 15, 66 December graduates of the Wegmans School of Nursing received their nursing pin, marking their official entrance into the nursing profession in front of their family and friends.
The pinning ceremony took place in the Cleary Family Auditorium.
Dr. Lori Dambaugh, associate dean for undergraduate affairs, served as the ceremony emcee. Dr. Tricia Gatlin, dean of the School, offered welcoming remarks before welcoming a student to the podium to share reflections.
“Today is a day of celebration, a day to recognize the hard work, dedication, and passion that each of our graduates has poured into their nursing education. Your perseverance has paid off, and you should be immensely proud of all that you have accomplished,” she said. “Nursing is a noble calling, and your commitment to caring for others is inspiring. Your dedication to your patients, their families, and to your community is admirable, and I have no doubt that you will make a significant impact on the lives of those you serve.”
Graduate Trevor Maciejewski shared his gratitude for the faculty and for his classmates.
“I know for sure that I can thank almost every single person in this room for how they have helped me personally in some way. Due to the difficulty of this program, I think the friendships we have developed will be some that last a lifetime, and I hope we continue to rely on each other in the next steps of being a new nurse,” he said. “Whether you’re staying here in Rochester or moving out of state, I am so proud to have been working alongside you and I cannot wait to hear of the great things that I know are coming in the future for each and every one of you.”
During the ceremony, graduates read the Nightingale Pledge to symbolize their commitment to the profession. The pledge is named in honor of the founder of modern nursing, Florence Nightingale.
Several students received awards recognizing their academic achievements, service to the profession, and leadership in the School of Nursing. Catherine Fuell received the Undergraduate Award for the Highest RN/BS GPA in recognition of academic excellence. Megan Rossi was the recipient of the Clara H. Wagner Excellence in Clinical Practice Award for demonstrating excellence in clinical practice with high-quality safe patient care, excellent organization and time management, effective communication, and a patient-centered approach to holistic care. The Glover-Crask Simulation Center Experiential Learning Award recipient was Mia Hands for her significant accomplishments in the experiential learning environments in the School of Nursing.
There were also three student-nominated awards presented during the ceremony. The Caring Award – “Teach Me Goodness” recognizes a student who continually provides emotional and physical support to both student colleagues and patients, regardless of circumstances. This year’s recipient was Rachael Winner. The Mentorship Award – “Teach Me Discipline” recognizes a student who conducts themselves in a professional and proficient manner in theory and practice. This year’s recipient was Mia Hands. The Spirit Award – “Teach Me Knowledge” recognizes a student who shows dedication to the profession of nursing as evidenced by a positive attitude toward learning and excitement to provide for others. This year’s recipient was Colby Mitchell.
December graduates earning their pins included: Tasneem Alajab, Isabella M. Antonini, Mary A. Anyuon, Kiersten Ash, Rachel H. Baker, Christine Benton, Jason S. Betley, Natalija Bezanoska, Taida Bibezic, Maya Blackwell, Gennesses Blair, Mareesa Boyatzies, Allysa Bravo, Timothy J. Brown, Kevin Bui, Alyssa J. Burchell, Daniela Caiola, Melanie Carney, Riley E. Carr, Madison N. Chacchia, Latoshi Clark, Grace V. Cummings, Amanda Darkes-Burkey , Sofia A. DiSalle, Mariah E. Frazee, Catherine Fuell, Taylor M. Gadd, Matia Garcia, Yana Gerasimovich, Aubrey L. Gill, Allison E. Goodman, Alyssa Greene, Sabryna Guerrie, Mia Hinds, Abigail N. Hollister, Katie Irliemier, Anna Johnson, Regan E. Karr, Jennifer L. Kirker, Trevor Maciejewski, Alice M. Mahoney, Brian C. Marron, Riley D. Meechan, Colby Mitchell, Anastasia A. Nakonechnaya, Darlene Navas, Matthew T. Newhall, Stephanie L. Paige, Kayla Piedmonte, Azeezah A. Ramjohn, Kayla M. Rhude, Katharina F. Romanet, Megan E. Rossi, Hamehah Saleh, Carley Schojan, Samantha J. Shea, Alexandra L. Shoemaker, Meghan M. Shufelt, Emma E. Smith, Avye M. Stathopoulos, Alexandra P. Stellino, Tyler R. Stevenson, Emma Rose Whitehead, Rachael L. Winner, Robin Woodfield, and Megan E. Zaharkin.