Supporting Documentation Guidelines for Disabilities

Students requesting accommodations must submit appropriate written documentation to Student Accessibility Services. Disability information is shared only with University personnel who work together in a cooperative effort to provide reasonable accommodations.

General Documentation Guidelines

The following information is generally needed to determine the most appropriate accommodations:

  • Statement that the student has an impairment that substantially limits a major life activity.
  • Explanation of how the disability impacts the student in the academic and University setting.
  • Details on the accommodations needed to mitigate the impact of the impairment and provide equitable access.

Suggested Documentation Elements

  • Typed on letterhead, dated and signed by a licensed professional not related to the student who is qualified to give a psychological or medical diagnosis. The name, credentials, and signature of the licensed professional should appear on the documentation.
  • Pertinent diagnoses clearly stated and explained.
  • Functional impact or symptoms.
  • Severity, frequency, and expected progression of condition(s).
  • Current medication(s) and any related side effects.
  • Current or past accommodations.
  • Recommendation of accommodations with rationale.

Please do not delay meeting with Accessibility Services out of concern for not having the appropriate documentation. In some cases, provisional accommodations may be provided to give the student time to procure any needed documentation.  

Housing Accommodation Requests

Please refer to the Residence Hall Accommodations page for more information.