Biology Success Stories

The value of a Fisher education is evident in personal stories of success told by students and alumni. Read what they have to say about the program and what they gained from their experience.

Elijah Hemingway III ’22

Ambulatory Technician at University of Rochester Medical Center, aspiring physician

Elijah Hemingway III

Elijah Hemingway III

Since he was a child, Elijah Hemingway III knew his calling was to help others. Now on a journey to become a physician, he is fueled by his “love for science in clinical contexts and a strong desire to help individuals live long, healthy, and happy lives.” While preparing for medical school, he works as an ambulatory technician at the University of Rochester Medical Center.

Hemingway III believes the faculty at Fisher bolstered his success. “The professors encouraged me and went out of their way to help me understand the curriculum and succeed in class.” Mentors challenged him to develop hands-on experience and conduct undergraduate research. “Each research opportunity allowed me to improve my skills and learn valuable information, and I am much more confident and comfortable in research investigation.”

He encourages others with similar interests and passions to pursue a path at Fisher. “The courses are thorough, and the smaller class sizes allow students to receive direct help from professors as needed. The program is challenging yet highly rewarding.”

Līga Astra Kalniņa ’20

Ph.D. Student in Plant Pathology & Plant Microbe Biology at Cornell and Adjunct Instructor of Plant Biology at Fisher

Liga Kalnina

Liga Kalnina

Līga Astra Kalniņa started at Fisher as a pre-med track student. After acclimating to the new academic environment, she discovered passions in other fields. “After taking a plant biology course, I realized a pre-med track might not be my path. I was drawn to plants and fungi and decided to pursue fungi research opportunities with my professor.”

This undergraduate research helped Kalniņa to flourish. Inspired by her professor’s example, she pursued her Ph.D. in Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology from Cornell while teaching as an adjunct professor at Fisher.

Kalniņa believes that double majoring in biology and philosophy at Fisher was critical to her success, equipping her with many of the skills that help her to be successful in her field. “Philosophy opened my eyes to the world, and it continues to push me to never stop questioning and never give up, and the fundamental skills I learned during my time when taking classes or doing research have been instrumental in my success working as a lab tech and now doing research for my Ph.D.”

Kalniņa explained that her time on campus was a major factor in helping her to develop professionally. “You will make lifelong relationships not only with your peers, who will go on to do great things, but also with your professors. Whether you decide to pursue medical school, graduate school, or enter the workplace, Fisher will prepare you very well and provide unconditional support.”

Quinn Magiera '19

Fourth-year Medical Student at University of Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences

Quinn Magiera

Quinn Magiera

Quinn Magiera has a strong passion for applying his knowledge to benefit the lives of others. This passion grew during his time at Fisher, and he decided to pursue medical school.

Magiera credits his foundation at Fisher for his success. “The small class sizes and caring faculty at Fisher allowed me to succeed both personally and professionally.” He also believes the faculty helped him develop in many ways. “The professors’ passion for the topics they teach was contagious, and I really advanced as a scientist by conducting research and problem solving with faculty in the lab.”

He recommends Fisher to anyone looking for a place to thrive, grow intellectually, and prepare for a professional role while still receiving close guidance from faculty. “I felt prepared to go to medical school because of my time at Fisher, and if I had to do it again, I would pick Fisher in a heartbeat!”