St. John Fisher University offers a variety of tutoring services, free of charge, for students in all disciplines.
Struggling with course material? Having trouble starting or revising that essay? Trained undergraduate peer tutors can help. We are here to assist you with your writing process and to help you find ways to learn course material more successfully in an inclusive learning environment.
Visit us on the second floor of the Donald E. Bain Campus Center. Administrative hours are Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Peer tutoring is by appointment and hours vary based on student and tutor scheduling availability.
Individual tutoring is available for a range of 100- and 200-level undergraduate courses in various disciplines, including accounting, biology, chemistry, computer science, economics, finance, math, physics, psychology, Spanish, and more. You can request course-specific tutoring through FisherLink (login required).
Academic Support Services on FisherLinkThe Writing and Tutoring Center at Fisher assists undergraduate and graduate students with writing tasks from all disciplines and during all stages of the writing process. Individualized appointments and direct feedback will help you develop as a writer.
You can request undergraduate writing support by raising a hand in FisherLink (login required).
You can request graduate writing consultation by raising a hand in FisherLink (login required).
The Writing and Tutoring Center offers ESL assistance to both undergraduate and graduate students. Please contact the Writing and Tutoring Center director.
Academic Support Services on FisherLinkBrainfuse tutors use a range of field-tested techniques adapted for online tutoring to ensure high-quality service and instructional consistency. Students enjoy unlimited access to academic tools, which include flashcards, practice tests and lessons, virtual meeting capability with an interactive whiteboard, diagnostic testing, language lab, and more.
Brainfuse, which can be accessed through mySJF (login required), supplements Fisher's existing tutoring services, offering academic assistance when other services are closed. Brainfuse is free for all Fisher students.
Explore Brainfuse through mySJF Launchpad“ With the help of my professors and the Writing and Tutoring Center, I was able to enhance my work and become more confident in my writing skills which has been a life-saver especially with my current job. ”