Words to Review in Siteimprove

Siteimprove will flag certain words as "to review" if it can't determine whether or not the word is a misspelling.

Types of Words to Review

All words flagged need to be reviewed and either approved as a correct spelling, or confirmed as a misspelling. Common types of words that are flagged include:

  • People's names
  • Company names
  • Scientific terms
  • Actual misspellings

Words to Review in the Misspellings Report

Accessing Words to Review in the Misspellings Report

The Words to Review section of the Misspellings Report can be accessed from the Dashboard using the "Words to review" button or through the Quality Assurance menu item (Quality Assurance > Spelling > Find Misspellings) and then choosing the "Needs Review" tab.

Words to Review can be accessed from the dashboard (left) or the Quality Assurance menu (right).

Words to Review can be accessed from the dashboard (left) or the Quality Assurance menu (right).

Understanding the Words to Review Screen

The Misspellings Report contains an additional tab called "Needs Review." From this tab, you can see a list of words that Siteimprove has flagged as possible misspellings in need of review. The words flagged for your section will be listed here, along with spelling suggestions (if any), when the word was first detected, a measure of the probability that the word is a misspelling, and how many pages the word has been flagged on, as shown below.

The Needs Review tab of the Misspellings Report will show all the words flagged as needing review, when each word was first detected, a misspelling probability score, and the number of pages containing the word to review.

The Needs Review tab of the Misspellings Report will show all the words flagged as needing review, when each word was first detected, a misspelling probability score, and the number of pages containing the word to review.

About the Word to Review

To see the page or pages that contain a word needing review, click on the word in the Word column. This will bring up a pop up box with the page title and URL identified. The pop up box will also show the word in context, as shown below.

You can see the flagged word in context, along with information about which page the word is on, by clicking on the word in the Word column.

You can see the flagged word in context, along with information about which page the word is on, by clicking on the word in the Word column.

You can also use the arrow in the Pages column to view a listing of the pages containing a particular word to review, as shown below.

Making a Determination for a Word from the Needs Review Tab

Once the Pages column has been expanded, you can use icons under the "Decision for page" column to indicate whether to approve the word for that page (thumbs up), or to mark it as a misspelling (thumbs down). In general, avoid using the icons under "Decision for site" column unless you are absolutely sure that your decision for that word will be applicable for all pages and in all circumstances going forward.

Clicking on the number in the Pages column will show you information about the page or pages that the word to review is found on.

Clicking on the number in the Pages column will show you information about the page or pages that the word to review is found on.

Viewing the a Word to Review on a Page

To see the word needing review in context on a page, click on the page title. You will be taken the Page Report for the page in question; the word to review will be highlighted in yellow and outlined in red.

Making a Determination for a Word from the Page Report

You can make a determination about the word from the Page Report by clicking on the gear icon next to the words "Decision for this issue," as shown below. Important! In general, it is best to make a decision for "This page only," unless you are sure that your decision should apply to every page on our site.

The Page Report will identify the word to review with a yellow highlight and red outline. A decision about the word can be made by clicking on the gear icon.

The Page Report will identify the word to review with a yellow highlight and red outline. A decision about the word can be made by clicking on the gear icon.

Note: If a word needing review is in an accordion, you'll have to use the Show HTML button to see where on the page it occurs.