Fire Safety

For the safety of persons and property, the University has established the following procedures, all of which are in compliance with state and local laws concerning standards and practices in fire safety.

State law requires periodic fire drills and obliges all persons on campus to obey safety regulations during fire drills. Fire alarm systems provide rapid means of notifying all occupants of a building that an emergency exists. Abuse of these systems could result in a complacent attitude among building occupants, which may result in injury or loss of life when the alarm is ignored in an actual emergency situation. Commission of a false fire alarm is a criminal offense punishable by a fine and/or imprisonment.

Fire Procedures

General Procedures

If you discover or suspect a fire in any campus building:

  • Activate the building fire alarm system by pulling the lever of one of the fire alarm stations in the corridor.
  • Dial (585) 385-8111 or 911. State that there is a fire at St. John Fisher University and identify the building and the location of the fire within the building.
  • Evacuate the building by alerting everyone and directing them to the nearest exit. DO NOT USE ELEVATORS.

Procedures for Individuals with Disabilities

For the protection of individuals with disabilities who have difficulty exiting (evacuating) using stairways during a fire drill or an actual emergency as well as for the safety of all members of the campus community:

  • All persons should know the evacuation routes of the campus buildings so they are prepared when a fire evacuation/horn sounds.
  • Persons with limited mobility must go to the designated area of refuge until assistance arrives.

Persons with disabilities must meet with Safety and Security within the first two weeks of the semester to identify designated areas of refuge for both residential and academic buildings and review evacuation plans.

Residence Halls

When the alarm sounds in a residence hall:

  • A person with a mobility-related disability must remain in a residential room or go to the designated area of refuge, ex: an enclosed stairway or lounge.
  • Use your mobile phone or the hall’s emergency red phone to call Safety and Security at (585) 385-8111 and give your location and name.
  • Safety and Security will notify the emergency response personnel.

Review Fire and Safety Information for Residence Halls.

Administrative/Academic Buildings

When the alarm sounds in an administrative/academic building:

  • A person with a mobility-related disability must remain in the classroom/office or go to the designated area of refuge, ex: an enclosed stairway or lounge.
  • Use your mobile phone or an office/classroom phone to call Safety and Security at (585) 385-8111 and give your location and name.
  • Safety and Security will inform the emergency response personnel.

For information regarding annual fire statistics, as well as fire and emergency procedures, please refer to the Annual Fire Safety Report [pdf].

Campus Fire Safety Bulletins

Be Fire Safe Every Day

  • Unplug hair dryers and curling irons when not in use.
  • Be aware of your surroundings - Know Two Ways Out [pdf].
  • Don't use space heaters. Report any heating issues in your room to Facilities.
  • Don't use extension cords or cube taps.
  • Don't overload power strips.
  • Keep halls and stairwells clear of clutter.
  • If the building evacuation alarm sounds - leave the building.
  • Know your residence hall short-term and long-term assembly points.

Fire Safety Helmet Award

The Fire Safety Helmet Award is awarded to the residence hall with the best fire safety record for the school year.

2017 Fire Safety Helmet Award - Haffey Hall

2017 Award Winner

  • Haffey Hall

Past Winners

  • Michaelhouse Hall (2016)
  • Keough Hall (2015)
  • Dorsey Hall (2014) 

About Residence Hall Fire Alarms

Smoke detectors are sensitive to a number of items in addition to smoke from fire, including high levels of dust, powders, steam, and mists. A room or hall smoke detector may activate upon exposure to these products. This type of activation is classified as a nuisance alarm. The Fire Department must respond in emergency mode to any fire alarm activation on campus, and Fisher can be fined by the town for excessive nuisance alarms.

Learn more: Understanding Your Residence Hall Fire Alarm System [pdf]