St. John Fisher University Profiles

Visiting Instructor
Office:Pioch 136
Alexis Abbott
Associate Professor
Areas of Interest: Maternal child health, global health mission trips, intraprofessional education. Research: Gestational diabetes, global health mission trips, and student experiences
Office:WEGNUR 215
Phone:(585) 385-8462
Kylene Abraham
Associate Professor and Academic Division Chair, Life Sciences
Areas of Interest: Motile flagellar assembly
Office:ISHS 207
Phone:(585) 899-3819
Noveera Ahmed
Associate Professor, Pharmacy Practice and Administration
Areas of Interest: Ambulatory Care
Office:WEGPHR 232
Phone:(585) 899-3884
Nabila Ahmed-Sarwar
Visiting Assistant Professor
Areas of Interest: Molecular biology, molecular pharmacology, and medicinal chemistry.
Office:WEGPHR 310
Phone:(585) 899-3716
Remah Ali
Ward-Haffey Lead Supervisor
Phone:(585) 899-3830 - Ward-Haffey
Carleytha Allat
Coordinator of Institutional Reporting and Academic Projects, Office of the Provost
Office:Kearney 121
Phone:(585) 385-5267
Kristin Anderson
Educational Leadership Adjunct Professor
Anthony Rodriguez
Simulation Educational Technology Specialist
Office:WEGNUR 201
Phone:(585) 385-8241
Christine Antonini
LMHC; Assistant Director of the Health and Wellness Center
Office:Health and Wellness Center
Phone:(585) 385-8280
Jillian Anzalone
Student Engagement & Marketing Manager
Phone:(516) 725-1122
Panos Argitis
Procurement Assistant
Areas of Interest: Supporting students with disabilities in inclusive settings, including students who are deaf-blind, and critical analyses of text and film representations of disability.
Office:RCW 109
Phone:(585) 385-7215
Katrina Arndt
Technical Support Specialist
Phone:(585) 385-8016
Technical Support Specialist
Phone:(585) 385-8016
Professor, Pharmacy Practice and Administration
Areas of Interest: Infectious Disease
Office:WEGPHR 239
Phone:(585) 899-3733
Lisa Avery
Records and Registration Coordinator
Office:Kearney 201
Phone:(585) 385-8015
Terri Bagshaw
Assistant Controller
Office:Kearney 217
Phone:(585) 899-3753
Gary Baier
CRM Communications Strategist
Office:Skalny Welcome Center
Phone:(585) 385-8064
Piper Bailey
Experiential Education Coordinator, School of Pharmacy
Office:WEGPHR 133F
Phone:(585) 385-5246
Andi Balland
Visiting Assistant Professor
Office:KEARN 321
Phone:(585) 385-8158
Professor and Chair, Anthropology and Sociology
Office:Kearney 311B
Phone:(585) 385-8220
David Baronov
Visiting Instructor
Office:WEGNUR 155
Phone:(585) 899-3894
Student Financial Services Assistant
Office:KEARN 204
Phone:(585) 385-6043
Administrative Assistant
Office:Campus Center 210
Phone:(585) 385-8281
Catie Bauman
Graphic Designer
Office:Kearney 100-E
Jaimie Beard
Assistant Director of Donor Engagement
Office:Skalny Welcome Center
Phone:(585) 385-8239
Enterprise Applications Administrator
Office:Salerno 012
Phone:(585) 385-7224
Visiting Assistant Professor, Mental Health Counseling
Areas of Interest: Mental Health screening, prevention and intervention, chemical dependency screening, prevention and intervention, and vocational rehabilitation.
Phone:(585) 385-5239
Gail Begley
Assistant Vice President for Human Resources
Office:Kearney 211
Phone:(585) 385-7247
Val Benjamin
Visiting Assistant Professor
Office:Pioch 114G
Phone:(585) 385-7218
Alec Berenbaum
Visiting Assistant Professor and Academic Division Chair, Behavioral Sciences
Office:Pioch 103A
Phone:(585) 899-3768
Matt Bereza
Adjunct Professor
Phone:(585) 385-8376
Assistant Professor in Pharmaceutical Sciences
Office:WEGPHR 337
Phone:(585) 899-3863
Priyanka Bhatt
Assistant Professor of Political Science
Office:Basil 107
Phone:(585) 385-8217
Christine Bianco
Associate Professor
Areas of Interest: UK and international; visual communication; film and television history; memorialization of history and culture.
Office:Fay 203
Phone:(585) 899-3822
Dougie Bicket
Vice President for Institutional Advancement
Areas of Interest: Engagement, Philanthropy, External Relations, Board Development, Leadership Coaching, and Strategic Planning
Office:Kearney 202
Phone:(585) 385-7330
Chris Biehn
Interlibrary Loan Coordinator
Office:Lavery Library Under the Steeple (K-051)
Phone:(585) 385-8106
Jennifer Bigenwald
President and Chief Executive Officer of Financial Institutions, Inc., Five Star Bank
Martin Birmingham
Professor and Dean, Wegmans School of Pharmacy
Office:WEGPHR 312
Phone:(585) 385-7202
Christine Birnie
Associate Professor
Areas of Interest: 18th-century literature, legal history, theater, place-based studies, historical fiction
Office:Basil 109
Phone:(585) 385-7397
Melissa Bissonette
Head of Access Services
Office:Lavery Library Under the Steeple (K-412)
Phone:(585) 385-7340
Kourtney Blackburn
Assistant Director of Transfer and Graduate Admissions
Office:Skalny Welcome Center
Phone:(585) 385-8064
Kristin Blake
Associate Professor
Areas of Interest: Health work environments; how the work environment impacts patient outcomes
Office:WEGNUR 201C
Phone:(585) 899-3869
Christine Boev
Associate Professor and Program Director, Sustainability
Areas of Interest: Biomechanics of aquatic organisms; ecology of life in moving water; sustainability
Office:ISHS 214
Phone:(585) 899-3732
Michael Boller
Associate Professor
Office:ISHS 213
Phone:(585) 385-5299
Kaitlin Bonner
Director of Field Experiences and Student Teaching
Phone:(585) 385-5220
Alison Bosworth
Gift & Data Management Specialist
Office:Kearney 202
Phone:(585) 385-8257
Assistant Professor
Areas of Interest: Nursing education and professional development; Improving health equity for individuals with disabilities
Office:WEGNUR 158
Phone:(585) 899-3859
Melissa Bourne
Undergraduate Student, Political Science
Maddie Bowen
Executive Assistant to the Vice President of Student Affairs
Office:Campus Center 202
Phone:(585) 385-8008
Chenno Bowens
Former Chief Executive Officer, Enesco, LLC
Thomas Bowles
Associate Professor and Academic Division Chair, Literature, Communication, and the Arts
Areas of Interest: Rhetorical theory; hate rhetoric and demagoguery; Middle East and Turkish studies; writing studies; civic engagement and community-engaged learning; professional writing; editing and publishing.
Office:Basil 128
Phone:(585) 899-3791
Jim Bowman
Former attorney, The Law Office of Daniel J. Boyce, Esq.
Daniel J. Boyce
Visiting Assistant Professor
Areas of Interest: Acute care/vascular surgery and in-home health care (clinical); quality metrics (research), Alzheimer's disease, and the promotion of leadership/scholarship in nursing
Office:WEGNUR 321
Phone:(585) 385-8397
Desiree Branson
Student Accessibility Services Coordinator
Office:Kearney 300
Phone:(585) 385-7272
Joy Breeden
Coordinator of Instruction and Research Services
Office:Lavery Library Under the Steeple (K-415)
Phone:(585) 385-7399
Mia Breitkopf
Associate Professor
Areas of Interest: Interrelationships between stigma, health, and wellbeing; the psychology of weight; pedagogical research
Office:Pioch 103G
Phone:(585) 385-8171
Kimberly McClure-Brenchley
HR Analytics and Compensation Coordinator
Office:Kearney 211
Phone:(585) 385-8157
Alexandra Brind
Visiting Instructor
Office:Pioch 103C
Phone:(585) 385-7366
Brittany Broderick
Associate Professor and Chair, Inclusive Education Program
Office:RCW 212
Phone:(585) 385-8112
Director of Institutional Research
Office:Kearney Hall 115
Phone:(585) 385-8097
Andrew Brolsma
Visiting Instructor of Cybersecurity
Areas of Interest: Cybersecurity - GRC, System Hardening, Disaster Recovery
Office:PIOCH C114A
Phone:(585) 385-8235
Dan Brown
Executive Director, Golisano Institute for Developmental Disability Nursing
Office:WEGNUR 156
Phone:(585) 899-3823
Holly Brown
Assistant Professor and Chair, Sport Management Department
Areas of Interest: Sport and social media; sustainability in sport
Office:Basil 116A
Phone:(585) 385-7389
Kathryn Burakowski
Executive Assistant to the Vice President for Institutional Advancement
Office:Kearney 202
Phone:(585) 385-7330
Amanda Burns
Career & Academic Planning Advisor
Office:Kearney 061 (temporary)
Phone:(585) 385-8321
Valerie Burrows
Associate Professor
Office:ISHS 113
Phone:(585) 385-8449
Kevin Callahan
Office Manager, Safety & Security
Office:Haffey Hall Lobby
Phone:(585) 385-8025
Anatomy & Physiology Lab Coordinator
Office:SKALNY 222
Phone:(585) 385-8098
Sarah Casper
Associate Professor
Areas of Interest: Drug Delivery, Oncology, Immunotherapy, and Nanotechnology
Office:WEGPHR 341
Phone:(585) 899-3714
Lipika Chablani
Visiting Assistant Professor, Interim Site Director Ed.D. Program at Iona
Office:Iona University
Phone:(914) 654-6153
Anthony Chiarlitti
Associate Professor and Academic Division Chair, Natural and Mathematical Sciences
Office:ISHS 114
Phone:(585) 899-3741
Generic Profile Icon
Coordinator of Gift and Donor Services
Office:Kearney 202
Phone:(585) 385-8085
Janet Christensen
Director of Student Accounts
Office:Kearney 204
Phone:(585) 385-8042
Kara Christiensen
Simulation Educational Technology Specialist
Areas of Interest: Technology-based education, virtual and mixed reality education, and applied and behavioral science.
Office:WEGNUR 117
Phone:(585) 385-8091
Bryan Christian
Associate Professor
Office:RCW 113
Phone:(585) 899-3878
Marie Cianca
Associate Professor, Pharmacy Practice and Administration
Areas of Interest: Ambulatory Care
Office:WEGPHR 241
Phone:(585) 385-7203
Gabriela Cipriano
Media Support Specialist
Phone:(585) 385-8016
Brian Cizenski
Former President and Chief Executive Officer, Urban League of Rochester, NY, Inc.
William Clark
Budget Analyst
Office:KEARN 217
Phone:(585) 385-7352
Abbey Clymer
Functional Lead Analyst
Phone:(585) 385-5210
Associate Director, Institute for Civic and Community Engagement
Office:Kearney 433
Phone:(585) 385-8249
Emily Colliss
Associate Professor, Pharmacy Practice and Administration
Areas of Interest: Medication adherence, beliefs about medications, health literacy, patient-provider communication, and adolescent knowledge of over-the-counter and prescription medications.
Office:WEGPHR 332
Phone:(585) 385-8159
Kelly Conn
Dean, School of Business
Phone:(585) 899-3856
Daniel Connolly
Adjunct Faculty; Curator, George Eastman House
Phone:(585) 271-3361 ext. 242
Kathy Connor
Associate Professor, Pharmacy Practice and Administration
Areas of Interest: Critical Care
Office:WEGPHR 236
Phone:(585) 899-3789
Kathryn Connor
Network Administrator
Phone:(585) 385-8016
Senior Advisor and Fellowship Director, Golisano Institute for Developmental Disability Nursing
Areas of Interest: Collaboration and coordination; health care teams
Office:WEGNUR 201F
Phone:(585) 385-8472
Dianne Cooney Miner
Director of the Institute for Community & Civic Engagement
Office:Kearney 431
Phone:(585) 385-8191
Dr. Wanda Cooper
Visiting Assistant Professor, Language Proficiency Placement Coordinator
Office:Pioch 132
Phone:(585) 385-5275
Luisa Cordaro-Mammano
Professor Emeritus
Robert Costigan
Licensed Practical Nurse
Office:WEGNUR 107
Phone:(585) 385-8280
Stacie Craft
Assistant Dean for Curriculum and Program Evaluation
Areas of Interest: Gender equity; issues impacting children's health and education; educational administration/leadership
Office:WEGNUR 201-A
Phone:(585) 385-8451
Caroline Critchlow
Mental Health Counselor
Office:WEGNUR 107M
Phone:(585) 385-3804
Makayla Crouch
Digital Communications Coordinator
Office:Kearney 100-G
Phone:(585) 385-8072
Patrick Crozier
Areas of Interest: Intersection of animal behavior, ecology, and physiology of a variety of bird species
Office:ISHS 215
Phone:(585) 385-7268
Greg Cunningham
Visiting Assistant Professor and Program Director, Gender and Sexuality Studies
Areas of Interest: US and global queer studies; disability studies; critical race theory
Office:Pioch 119
Phone:(585) 899-3723
Lisa Cunningham
Adjunct Faculty
Visiting Assistant Professor
Office:WEGNUR 305
Phone:(585) 899-3701
Chief Information Security Officer
Phone:(585) 385-8399
Generic Profile Icon
Former Chief Financial Officer of Monro, Inc.
Catherine D'Amico
Associate Dean for Undergraduate Affairs
Areas of Interest: Care of the obese patient in acute care, the role of the APRN in transitional care, chronic conditions, nursing advancement
Office:WEGNUR 201L
Phone:(585) 385-8473
Lori Dambaugh
Areas of Interest: Scholarship of teaching and learning, curriculum design, assessment, sport sociology focusing on gender, activism, and diversity.
Office:Basil 117
Phone:(585) 899-3803
Emily Dane-Staples
Associate Professor and Chair, Pharmaceutical Sciences
Areas of Interest: Excipient characterization and their pharmaceutical applications; Contemporary approaches to enhance drug delivery (solubility, permeability, dissolution, etc.); Non-invasive approaches to analyze tablet properties; Research on extemporaneously compounded preparations.
Office:WEGPHR 335
Phone:(585) 385-5297
Vivek Dave
Areas of Interest: American studies; Philippine-American studies; multiculturalism; World War II-Pacific theater
Office:Basil 123
Phone:(585) 385-8216
Sharon Delmendo
Associate Professor and Director of Experiential Education & CPE
Areas of Interest: Experiential education, bioterrorism preparedness, mission trips with Global Volunteers, Phi Delta Chi, and antique marbles.
Office:WEGPHR 133A
Phone:(585) 385-5243
Keith Delmonte
Associate Professor, Pharmacy Practice and Administration
Areas of Interest: Ambulatory Care
Office:WEGPHR 236
Phone:(585) 385-8373
Alexander DeLucenay
Former Senior Vice President of Store Operations, Wegmans Foods Markets, Inc.
Jack DePeters
Senior Web Designer
Office:Kearney 100-F
Phone:(585) 385-8322
Daniel Dickerson
Assistant Director of Residential Life
Office:Campus Center 210
Phone:(585) 385-8281
Bryan Diesenberg
Director of Career Services
Office:Kearney 059 (temporary)
Phone:(585) 385-8143
Heather DiFino
Experiential Education Coordinator
Office:WEGPHR 133E
Phone:(585) 385-7249
Andrea DiGiorgio
Director of Experiential Learning/Instructor
Office:WEGNUR 253
Phone:(585) 385-8304
Crystal Dobri
Assistant Professor
Visiting Instructor
Areas of Interest: Psychiatric nursing; neurodevelopmental disability nursing; community and public health nursing; population health advocacy
Office:WEGNUR 309A
Phone:(585) 899-3812
Liz Dollinger
Associate Dean for Graduate Affairs
Areas of Interest: Adult/gerontology care, palliative and hospice care, cardiology
Office:WEGNUR 201K
Phone:(585) 899-3788
Colleen Donegan
Associate Professor
Office:Basil 127
Phone:(585) 385-8207
Director of Development and Gift Planning
Office:Skalny Welcome Center
Phone:(585) 385-7337
Thomas Doupe
Educational Leadership Adjunct Professor
Allison Rioux
Assistant Professor of Criminology and Criminal Justice
Office:Basil 113
Phone:(585) 385-7292
Office Manager
Office:Kearney 300
Phone:(585) 385-5252
Kerry Driscoll
Associate Professor
Office:RCW 210
Phone:(585) 385-7250
Kristen Driskill
Assistant Dean for Online Education
Areas of Interest: Online Pedagogy; tourism entrepreneurship; patient experience; beverage education; marketing; alternative foods; Metaverse/Web3; fashion tourism
Office:WSON 157
Phone:(585) 385-7356
Damien Duchamp
Chairman/Chief Executive Officer, PrimeGroup Insurance Inc. (PGI Inc.)
Kevin Dugan
Visiting Assistant Professor, Religious Studies and Program Director, International Studies
Office:Pioch 134
Phone:(585) 385-8243
Coordinator for Administrative Operations
Office:WEGNUR 107
Phone:(585) 385-8280
Myya Dyes
Visiting Assistant Professor
Areas of Interest: Measurement of student achievement and critical thinking gains through cooperative learning and inquiry-based interventions; curriculum development for courses that prepare education professionals for certification in elementary through high school.
Office:ISHS 109
Phone:(585) 385-8443
Assistant Professor, Pharmacy Practice and Administration, Administrative and Social Sciences
Areas of Interest: HIV/AIDS, Medication adherence, Health Disparities, Cultural Competence, Diversity, Inclusivity & Anti-Racism
Office:WEGPHR 307
Phone:(585) 385-8147
Akesha Edwards
Adjunct Faculty
Office:Basil 022B
Graduate Student, Pharmacy
Office Manager
Office:Campus Center 229
Phone:(585) 385-8005
Assistant Dean for Online Education
Office:WSOP 133C
Phone:(585) 385-5215
Barbara Ellis
Visiting Assistant Professor
Office:Skalny 130
Phone:(585) 385-8365
Bob Enck
Former Managing Partner, EY
Herbert Engert, Jr.
Associate Professor Interdisciplinary Studies
Phone:(585) 385-8404
Michelle Erklenz-Watts
Adjunct Professor
Office:RCW 103A
Phone:(585) 385-8448
Visiting Assistant Professor of Biology and Health Professions Advisor
Areas of Interest: Effects of handheld electronic devices on resting head posture and cervical spine muscle activity
Office:ISHS 213
Phone:(585) 385-8383
Jonathan Falanga
Dean, School of Arts and Sciences and Program Director, Interdisciplinary Studies
Office:Kearney 203
Phone:(585) 385-8477
Ann Marie Fallon
Circulation Supervisor
Office:Lavery Library Under the Steeple (K-051)
Phone:(5850 385-8165
Shannon Feeley
Associate Professor, Pharmacy Practice and Administration
Areas of Interest: Ambulatory Care
Office:WEGPHR 235
Phone:(585) 385-3704
Shawn Fellows
Media Center Director
Areas of Interest: Media Training; field and studio production; project consultation; storytelling; content creation; social media
Office:Fay 208
Phone:(585) 385-7226
Cecil Felton
Graduate Resource Lab Coordinator
Office:WEGNUR 305A
Phone:(585) 385-8418
Jennifer Fernaays
Director of Donor Engagement
Office:Skalny Welcome Center
Phone:(585) 385-5285
Katy Festa
Director of Student Financial Services
Office:Kearney 204
Phone:(585) 385-8042
Marie Longyear
Assistant to the Dean, School of Arts and Sciences
Phone:(585) 385-8318
Generic Profile Icon
Library Systems Technician
Office:Lavery Library Under the Steeple (K-400)
Phone:(585) 385-7326
William Fischer
Fire and Life Safety Officer
Office:Haffey Hall Lobby
Phone:(585) 899-3833
Generic Profile Icon
Director of Student Leadership and Engagement
Office:Campus Center 228
Phone:(585) 385-8005
Laura Fitzgerald
Assistant Dean of Students and Title IX Coordinator
Office:Campus Center 229
Phone:(585) 385-8232
Generic Profile Icon
Assistant Professor of Practice
Areas of Interest: Feminist media, celebrity, digital cultures, and popular culture
Office:FAY 204
Phone:(585) 385-8206
Michelle Laura Flood
Undergraduate Student, Finance
Student Financial Services Counselor
Office:Kearney 204
Phone:(585) 385-7313
Laura Formella
Information Coordinator
Office:Skalny Welcome Center
Phone:(585) 385-8064
Tina Franklin
Professor of Psychology
Areas of Interest: Individual and group decision making; improving teamwork; organization development
Office:Pioch 103I
Phone:(585) 385-8170
Timothy Franz
Visiting Assistant Professor
Areas of Interest: Adult and pediatric trauma; disaster response and management; acute and critical care medicine; education and curriculum design; simulation
Office:WEGNUR 153
Phone:(585) 385-7384
Susan Fredrick
Sr. Systems Administrator
Phone:(585) 385-8016
Purchasing Agent
Phone:(585) 385-8279
Bard Fredericksen
Areas of Interest: Cell to Cell communication: Endocrinology, Pharmacology, and Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals
Office:ISHS 205
Phone:(585) 385-7289
Edward Freeman
Information Coordinator
Office:Skalny Welcome Center
Phone:(585) 385-8064
Lynda Fuess
Core Fellow
Jonas Gage
Professor, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science and Assistant Director, Honors Program
Areas of Interest: Mathematical games, actuarial mathematics, inquiry-based learning in mathematics
Office:Pioch 114B
Phone:(585) 899-3810
Ryan Gantner
Undergraduate Student, Public Relations
Suhaily Garcia
Dean, Wegmans School of Nursing
Office:WEGNUR 201F
Phone:(585) 385-8494
Tricia Gatlin
Assistant Registrar and Veterans Coordinator
Office:Kearney 201
Phone:(585) 385-8031
Monica Gebhardt
Circulation Supervisor
Office:Lavery Library Under the Steeple (K-051)
Phone:(585) 385-8165
Generic Profile Icon
Student Financial Services Counselor
Office:Kearney 204
Phone:(585) 385-8042
Kelly Gionta
Director of the Fisher Fund
Office:Skalny Welcome Center
Phone:(585) 385-5216
Amanda Glann
Assistant Professor
Areas of Interest: impact of technology on cognition; self-regulation in motivation; mindset, persistence, and quitting
Office:Pioch 103K
Phone:(585) 385-8109
Sara Goodman
Associate Professor and Associate Dean, School of Arts and Sciences
Areas of Interest: Mindfulness. Application of mindfulness in the classroom, mindfulness and college student well-being and academic success, mindfulness and diversity
Office:Kearney 203
Phone:(585) 385-8011
Melissa Goodwin (Ghera)
Leadership Annual Giving Officer
Areas of Interest: Alumni relations; partnering with organizations
Office:Skalny Welcome Center
Phone:(585) 385-7376
Patrick Gordon
Director of Technology Support Services
Phone:(585) 385-8016
Chad Goulette
Senior Systems Administrator
Phone:(585) 385-8016
Assistant Clinical Professor
Areas of Interest: Adult/Older Adult, Medicine in Psychiatry, Global Medicine, Functional Medicine
Office:WSON 153
Phone:(585) 385-8116
Katherine Grams
Director of Student Conduct
Office:Campus Center 206
Phone:(585) 385-8498
David Graupman
Women's Volleyball Coach
Kelly Greapentrog
Assistant Director of Marketing and Communications
Areas of Interest: Public Relations, Strategic Communication, Writing, Social Media, Crisis Communication, Marketing, Advertising
Office:Kearney 100-B
Phone:(585) 385-8190
Melissa Greco Lopes
University Archivist and Instruction Librarian
Phone:(585) 385-8139
Nancy Greco
Lab Manager
Office:ISHS 223
Phone:(585) 385-8122
Jennifer Gantress-Green
Professor, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Areas of Interest: Applied Mathematics, Differential Equations, Technology in Teaching Mathematics
Office:Pioch 114D
Phone:(585) 385-7367
Kris Green
Content Strategist
Office:Kearney 100-H
Phone:(585) 385-7252
Ashley Greenman
Associate Professor
Office:Pioch 103J
Phone:(585) 385-7396
Oliver Griffin
Chef De Cuisine
Phone:(585) 317-9318 - cell
Wade Griffin
Major Gifts Officer
Office:Skalny Welcome Center
Phone:(585) 385-8426
Christine Grout
Former President, Chief Executive Officer, and Director of Atmos Energy
Michael Haefner
Mental Health Counselor
Office:WEGNUR 107L
Phone:(585) 385-8158
Briana Halloran
Visiting Instructor
Areas of Interest: Acute care; hospital medicine
Office:WEGNUR 309
Phone:(585) 385-7383
Heather Hamilton
Coordinator for Online Learning
Office:WEGPHR 133G
Phone:(585) 385-5247
Jill Hardy
Director of the Cybersecurity Program and Visiting Instructor
Office:KEARN 417
Phone:(585) 385-7387
Vice President for Finance and Administration & CFO
Office:KEARN 119
Phone:(585) 385-5242
Mark Harris
Associate Professor
Areas of Interest: Computer Security, Computer Survivability, Operating Systems, Mobile Agent Systems
Office:Pioch 128
Phone:(585) 899-3811
Scott Harrison
Visiting Instructor
Visiting Instructor of Secondary English
Office:RCW 217
Phone:(585) 385-8078
Maylin Harter
Associate Director of Data and Reporting
Office:Kearney 202
Phone:(585) 385-8234
Director of Experiential Learning and Outreach
Areas of Interest: Sports Sales, Sports Marketing, Sport & Social Media
Office:Basil 117A
Phone:(585) 385-8319
Paul Hemingway
Educational Leadership Adjunct Professor
Corey Hepburn
Continuing Professional Education Coordinator
Office:WEGPHR 317
Phone:(585) 899-3818
Dave Herbert
Program Director, RN to BSN Online
Office:WEGNUR 219
Phone:(585) 385-7233
Pam Herendeen
Associate Professor
Areas of Interest: Bioremediation of lead-contaminated soil; plant-microbe interactions
Office:ISHS 208
Phone:(585) 899-3736
Maryann Herman
Associate Professor
Office:RCW 203
Phone:(585) 385-7297
Susan Hildenbrand
Assessment and Online Program Librarian
Office:Lavery Library Under the Steeple (K-415)
Phone:(585) 385-8493
Christina Hillman
Career and Academic Planning Advisor
Office:Kearney 061 (temporary)
Joey Hitchcock
Residence Director, Haffey Hall
Office:Ground Floor of Haffey Hall (adjacent to mailroom)
Phone:(585) 385-8283
Jared Hobson
Head of Library Systems and Subscriptions
Office:Lavery Library Under the Steeple (K-405)
Phone:(585) 385-8382
Benjamin Hockenberry
Associate Professor
Office:Salerno 237
Phone:(585) 899-3793
Monica Hodis
Assistant Professor
Office:ISHS 211
Phone:(585) 385-7394
Andrew Hoffman
Visiting Assistant Professor
Areas of Interest: Pediatric and perinatal palliative and hospice care; pediatric and neonatal critical care; community health
Office:WEGNUR 309-C
Phone:(585) 899-3839
Joy Hogan
Career & Academic Planning Advisor
Office:KEARN 061 (temporary)
Phone:(585) 385-8294
Annie Holcomb
Web Programmer/Analyst
Phone:(585) 899-3776
Associate Professor
Areas of Interest: Molecular, cellular, and genetic analysis of development; neuronal function and behavior
Office:Skalny A235C
Phone:(585) 385-8153
Daryl Hurd
Assistant Professor of Nursing
Areas of Interest: Quality Improvement
Office:WSON 221
Phone:(585) 385-8084
Deborah Hurley
Associate Professor, Pharmacy Practice and Administration
Areas of Interest: Pediatrics
Office:WEGPHR 308
Phone:(585) 899-3831
David Hutchinson
Associate Professor
Areas of Interest: Heterogeneous catalysis, shaped nano particles, reaction mechanisms on catalyst surfaces, computational modeling, electrochemical synthesis of ammonia.
Office:ISHS 105
Phone:(585) 385-8385
Alexey Ignachenko
Assistant Professor
Office:Kearney 306B
Phone:(585) 385-8364
Chinwe Ikpeze
Dean Emeritus, School of Business Professor Emeritus, Department of Management/Marketing
Selim Ilter
Assistant Professor
Areas of Interest: Higher education; administration; preventative care for the underserved populations
Office:WEGNUR 223
Phone:(585) 576-1144
Corey Jackson
Library Director
Office:Lavery Library Under the Steeple (K-414)
Phone:(585) 385-8164
Melissa Jadlos
Adjunct Faculty
Areas of Interest: Recreation, youth sport
Human Resources Talent Manager
Office:Kearney 211
Phone:(585) 385-8427
Megen Jankowski
Residence Director, Dorsey and Murray Halls
Office:Dorsey Hall Lobby
Phone:(585) 385-8105
Joshua Jarema
President and Chief Executive Officer, VisitRochester
Donald Jeffries
Sr. Programmer/Analyst
Phone:(585) 385-8016
Jay Jermyn
Assistant Professor
Areas of Interest: Identifying and addressing needs, gaps, and barriers in how we provide health care for people with complex, pediatric-onset conditions
Office:WEGNUR 156
Phone:(585) 899-3823
Amy Jerum
Enterprise Applications Administrator
Educational Leadership Adjunct Professor
John Gonzalez
Associate Professor
Areas of Interest: Number theory, the role of technology in learning, K-12 and undergraduate mathematics education
Office:Pioch 103L
Phone:(585) 385-8163
Erica Johnson
Associate Professor, Core CACREP Faculty
Areas of Interest: Sexual offender treatment, domestic violence perpetrator treatment, mental health wellness and prevention, experiential group counseling, and the use of metaphor in supervision
Phone:(585) 899-3858
Rachel Jordan
Associate Professor, Pharmacy Practice and Administration
Areas of Interest: Geriatrics and Palliative Care
Office:WEGPHR 309
Phone:(585) 899-3705
Kate Juba
Office Manager of Facilities
Phone:(585) 385-8256
Generic Profile Icon
Assistant Professor
Areas of Interest: Television Viewership in Sport, Sports Wagering Markets, Discrimination in Sport
Office:BASIL 116A
Phone:(585) 385-8293
Byungju Kang
Assistant Professor
Office:Pioch 103E
Phone:(585) 385-8474
Ozge Kantas
Visiting Assistant Professor
Office:FAY 211
Phone:(585) 385-8121
David Kassnoff
Director of Academic Advising
Office:Kearney 061 (temporary)
Phone:(585) 385-8050
Christopher Keffer
Senior Major Gifts Officer
Office:Skalny Welcome Center
Phone:(585) 385-7216
David Kelly ’85
Director of Development
Office:Skalny Welcome Center
Phone:(585) 899-3897
Norm Kieffer
LCSW-R; Director of the Health and Wellness Center
Office:WEGNUR 107
Phone:(585) 385-8329
Rebecca Kieffer
Areas of Interest: Chiral recognition studies; development of chiral ionic liquids for chromatographic separation of chiral compounds using GC
Office:ISHS 112
Phone:(585) 385-7219
Irene Kimaru
Educational Leadership Adjunct Professor
Kimberly Brown
Associate Professor
Areas of Interest: Wound care, care of patients with intellectual or developmental disability, nursing leadership, surgical oncology
Office:WEGNUR 223
Phone:(585) 385-8246
Beth Kiss
Professor and Director, Honors Program
Office:Basil 111
Phone:(585) 899-3855
Lauren Calimeris
Admissions Counselor
Office:Skalny Welcome Center
Phone:(585) 385-8064
Dan Konopski
Associate Professor
Areas of Interest: Synthetic inorganic and organometallic chemistry with an emphasis on structure and bonding as they relate to the chelate effect and catalysis
Office:ISHS 108
Phone:(585) 899-3703
Bradley Kraft
Executive Chef
Phone:(585) 329-8536 - cell
Joel Kraft
Office:Kearney 410
Phone:(585) 385-5235
Randall Krieg
Adjunct Faculty
Areas of Interest: Biological anthropology, paleopathology, archaeological field methods, artifact analysis
Receptionist/Administrative Assistant
Office:Skalny Welcome Center
Phone:(585) 385-8064
MaryBeth Kula
Associate Professor and Chair, Management and Marketing
Office:Salerno 135
Phone:(585) 385-5245
David Kunsch
Assistant Professor
Areas of Interest: Accounting, auditing, business succession planning, business valuation, buy-sell agreements, estate planning and estate and gift taxes, equity markets and stock valuation, stock options
Office:Salerno 244
Phone:(585) 385-8457
Hugh Lambert
Residence Director, Murphy Hall
Office:Murphy Hall Lobby
Phone:(585) 385-8152
Kaitlyn Latorre
Areas of Interest: Pharmacoepidemiology, post-market surveillance, secondary data analysis, pharmacoeconomics, population-based healthcare, managed care
Office:WEGPHR 340
Phone:(585) 385-5255
Jill Lavigne
Associate Professor; Chair, Department of Political Science and Legal Studies
Office:Basil 112
Phone:(585) 385-8440
Sebastien Lazardeux
Director, Network Services
Phone:(585) 385-8016
Generic Profile Icon
Assistant Vice President of Admissions
Office:Skalny Welcome Center
Phone:(585) 385-8064
Stacy Ledermann
DNP, Nurse Anesthesia
Areas of Interest: Simulation Education, Obstetric Anesthesia
Office:WEGNUR 223
Phone:(585) 385-8471
Eric Ledwin
Assistant Professor
Areas of Interest: Machine Learning & Data Science; advanced practice nurse-led community-based models of care; care transitions; heart failure care; impact of social determinants of health; lateral violence in nursing
Office:School of Business
Kathryn Ledwin
Buyer, Athletic Footwear, DICK’S Sporting Goods
Anthony Lee
Associate Professor
Office:Salerno 137
Phone:(585) 899-3817
Nikki Leifker
Interim Assistant Dean and Interim Program Director, MBA
Office:Salerno 204C
Phone:(585) 899-3767
Kristin Lennarz
Assistant Dean of Assessment, Wegmans School of Pharmacy
Office:WEGPHR 133D
Phone:(585) 385-7269
Sean Leonard
Events and Reservations Administrator
Phone:(585) 385-5203
Kathy Leone
Sr. Systems Administrator
Phone:(585) 385-8016
Generic Profile Icon
Assistant Professor
Areas of Interest: Cardiac remodeling, developmental biology
Office:WEGPHR 336
Phone:(585) 385-7209
Janet Lighthouse
Financial Analyst
Associate Professor
Office:Kearney 309
Phone:(585) 385-8101
Monica Cherry
Assistant Professor
Areas of Interest: Psychosocial Attributes and Financial Behavior; Financial Satisfaction, Wellbeing and Happiness; Retirement Planning and Decisions
Office:Salerno 236
Phone:(585) 385-8154
Yi Liu
Assistant Professor of Practice, Accounting and Finance
Christopher Liucci
Institutional Research Data Analyst
Office:Kearney Hall 115
Adjunct Professor
Joseph Lopocaro
President/Owner, Skin Search of Rochester, Inc. and DermaSpa, Partners of Dermatology Associates of Rochester, P.C.
Janice Loss
Assistant Director of Security
Office:Haffey Hall Lobby
Phone:(585) 385-8118
Postal Service Assistant
Office:Haffey Mailroom
Phone:(585) 385-7242
Office:Basil 131
Phone:(585) 385-7385
Barbara Lowe
Manager of Print and Mail Services
Office:Kearney 007
Phone:(585) 385-8126
Jeremy Luke
Adjunct Professor
Areas of Interest: Global Health, toxicology, neuropharmacology, drug abuse, novel teaching methods and student programming
Office:WEGPHR 310
Phone:(585) 899-3730
Melinda Lull
Assistant Professor of Practice
Office:RCW 117
Phone:(585) 402-9665
Daniele Lyman-Torres
Associate Provost and Professor
Office:Kearney 121
Phone:(585) 385-7368
Eileen Lynd-Balta
Director of Dining Services
Phone:(585) 385-8286 - desk | (585) 319-9960 - cell
Andrea Maccarone
Professor and Chair, Department of Philosophy and Classical Studies
Areas of Interest: Medical ethics, business ethics, computer ethics, philosophy of religion, and popular culture and philosophy. He is the immediate past president of the Bertrand Russell Society and the former president of the Northeast Popular Culture Association.
Office:Kearney 430
Phone:(585) 385-5259
Timothy Madigan
Adjunct Professor
Office:Kearney 418
Phone:(585) 385-8432
Gary Maggs
Assistant Professor of Sport Management
Office:Basil 116A
Phone:(585) 385-8205
John Magliocca
Assistant Dean of Assessment
Office:RCW 205A
Phone:(585) 385-8179
Education and First-Year Program Librarian
Office:RCW 103
Phone:(585) 385-8140
Stacia Maiorani
Associate Director of the Spire Society
Office:Skalny Welcome Center
Phone:(585) 385-8454
Brianna Maltese
Assistant Director
Office:Campus Ministry Center, 1st Floor Campus Center
Phone:(585) 385-8194
Sarah Mancini-Goebert
Associate Professor and Dean, Ralph C. Wilson, Jr. School of Education
Office:RCW 205C
Phone:(585) 385-7316
Joellen Maples
Associate Professor
Areas of Interest: Prevention of unintentional injuries in children, concussion, factors that influence incidence of concussion and recovery, concussion and anxiety, return to school after concussion
Office:WEGNUR 212
Phone:(585) 899-3835
Pamela Mapstone
Visiting Instructor
Office:WEGNUR 107
Phone:(585) 385-8280
Cyrus Marcy
Assistant Director of Multicultural Affairs
Office:Campus Center
Phone:(585) 385-8423
Chelsea Marshall
Assistant to the Dean
Office:WEGNUR 201E
Phone:(585) 385-8468
Carolyn Martin
Admissions Counselor/Multicultural Recruiter
Office:Skalny Welcome Center
Phone:(585) 385-8064
Yarelis Martinez Tinoco
Associate Professor
Office:ISHS 107
Phone:(585) 385-8379
Kermin Martinez-Hernandez
Office:Kearney 217
Phone:(585) 385-7309
Diane Martz
Associate Professor
Areas of Interest: Acute care/hospital medicine nurse practitioner; global health and short-term medical missions; preparing nurses to take part in medical missions
Office:WEGNUR 154
Phone:(585) 899-3837
Natalie Masco
Associate Professor
Areas of Interest: Virus host interactions; Influenza virus polymerase function and bacteriophage isolation and characterization
Office:ISHS 204
Phone:(585) 385-7335
Jonelle Mattiacio
Student Financial Services Counselor
Office:Kearney 204
Phone:(585) 385-8042
Craig Mazuchowski
Circulation Coordinator
Office:Lavery Library Under the Steeple (K-051)
Phone:(585) 385-8165
Rick McAlister
Professor, Pharmacy Practice and Administration
Office:WEGPHR 216
Phone:(585) 385-7234
David McCaffrey
Visiting Assistant Professor
Office:WSOP 236
Phone:(585) 385-7380
John McDonald
Assistant Professor, Core CACREP Faculty
Areas of Interest: Addiction counseling, harm reduction, clinical supervision.
Office:WEGNUR 327
Phone:(585) 385-7222
Scott McGuinness
Visiting Instructor
Phone:(585) 385-7347
Katie McJury
Associate Professor and Chair, Department of Mathematics, Computer Science
Areas of Interest: History of Mathematics, Infinitesimal Analysis, Abstract Algebra, Early Childhood and Childhood Mathematics Education
Office:Pioch 114E
Phone:(585) 385-8250
Mark McKinzie
Visiting Assistant Professor
Areas of Interest: Child and adolescent mental health; suicide prevention and intervention; mental health in the IDD population
Office:WEGNUR 323
Phone:(585) 899-3756
Marcie McMahon
Security Supervisor, C-Shift
Office:Haffey Hall Lobby
Phone:(585) 385-8025
Associate Professor
Areas of Interest: Liquidity, corporate governance, executives’ horizons, political risk, financial markets design
Office:Salerno 138
Phone:(585) 385-8375
Mohamed Mekhaimer
Chief Information Officer
Phone:(585) 899-3848
Generic Profile Icon
Associate Professor
Areas of Interest: Autism, challenging behavior, sleep disorders
Office:Pioch 103F
Phone:(585) 385-5262
Eileen Merges
Chief Operations Officer, Golisano Institute for Developmental Disability Nursing
Darcie Mersereau
Rebecca Pelino Entrepreneur-in-Residence and Visiting Assistant Professor
Chantz Miles
Assistant Professor
Office:Skalny A235B
Phone:(585) 385-7271
Jonathan Millen
Associate Professor, Pharmacy Practice and Administration, Skills Lab
Areas of Interest: Indigent care, global health, chronic disease state management, geriatrics, patient education
Office:WEGPHR 134
Phone:(585) 385-8074
Juliette Miller
Media Application Specialist
Office:Basil 022
Phone:(585) 385-8016
Generic Profile Icon
Educational Leadership Adjunct Professor
Paul Miller
Registered Nurse
Office:WEGNUR 107
Phone:(585) 385-8280
Kristen Millerd
Associate Professor
Areas of Interest: Maternal and child health epidemiology; nutrition and weight control during pregnancy; pregnancy complications; subclinical eating disorders
Office:WEGNUR 309
Phone:(585) 385-7359
Heather McGrane Minton
Service Desk Coordinator
Phone:(585) 385-5205
Assistant Professor
Areas of Interest: Infectious disease, diagnostics, science communication
Office:Skalny 215
Phone:(585) 385-7276
Siti Khayriyyah Mohd Hanafiah
TRIO Student Support Services Advisor
Office:FAY 105
Phone:(585) 899-3880
Rene Montedoro
Office:RCW 107
Phone:(585) 899-3734
Guillermo Montes
Senior Director of Alumni & Constituent Engagement
Office:Skalny Welcome Center
Phone:(585) 385-8198
Elizabeth Moore
Assistant Professor
Areas of Interest: Physical assessment, diagnostics, evidence-based practice
Office:WEGNUR 319
Phone:(585) 899-3785
Henry Moscicki
Clinical Coordinator
Office:WEGNUR 224
Phone:(585) 385-8062
Grace Mroczka
Executive Sous Chef
Phone:(585) 899-3830 - Ward-Haffey
Kyle Muench
Director of the Library Media Specialist Program
Office:RWILSN 211
Phone:(585) 385-8376
Maria Muhlbauer
Former President and Chief Executive Officer, St. Ann's Community
Elizabeth Mullin-DiProsa
Visiting Instructor
Areas of Interest: Hospital medicine; critical care; hospital discharges against medical advice; opioid use disorder
Office:WEGNUR 220
Phone:(585) 899-3739
Alexis Munding
Director, Office of Foundation and Corporate Relations
Office:Kearney Hall 202
Phone:(585) 385-8247
Benjamin Murphy
Assistant Professor
Areas of Interest: Hematopoiesis, developmental biology, cell signaling, genetics, CRISPR/Cas9, big data and modeling
Office:ISHS 206
Phone:(585) 899-3795
Zachary Murphy
Associate Registrar for Curriculum Management
Office:Kearney 201
Phone:(585) 385-7301
Penny Myler
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Office:WEGPHR 214
Phone:(585) 899-3820
Angela Nagel
Associate Professor, Pharmacy Practice and Administration
Areas of Interest: Geriatrics
Office:WEGPHR 305
Phone:(585) 385-8033
Kobi Nathan
Office:Kearney 319
Phone:(585) 385-8003
Charles Natoli
IT Network Architect
Phone:(585) 385-8016
Director of Procurement
Office:Kearney 217
Phone:(585) 385-8059
Marcie Nicastro
Associate Director of Student Engagement & Leadership
Office:Campus Center 226
Phone:(585) 385-8005
Tiffany Nicholas
Visiting Assistant Professor
Office:Basil 121
Phone:(585) 385-8412
Anastasia Nikolis
Associate Professor
Office:Kearney 406
Phone:(585) 385-8119
Ben Nui
Associate Professor, Pharmacy Practice and Administration
Areas of Interest: Novel treatments for schizophrenia, metabolic burden of antipsychotic medications
Office:WEGPHR 237
Phone:(585) 385-7378
Chris Noel
Former Corporate Vice President, Microsoft Health and Life Sciences Solutions and Platforms
Diana Nole
Director, Higher Education Opportunity Program (HEOP); interim director, TRIO SSS and CSTEP programs
Office:Kearney 207 (temporary)
Phone:(585) 385-8040
Clarence Norman
Adjunct Instructor
Areas of Interest: Recreation
Assistant to Payroll Director
Office:Kearney 217
Phone:(585) 385-8056
Erin O'Connor
Associate Professor
Areas of Interest: Microfluidics, nanoparticles, 3D bioprinting, and remote sensing of microbial populations.
Office:ISHS 202
Phone:(585) 899-3881
Fernando Ontiveros-Llamas
Director of Research
Office:Kearney 202
Phone:(585) 385-8356
Dana Orlando
Assistant Director of Student Financial Services
Office:Kearney 204
Phone:(585) 385-8042
Shelley Ouellette
Graduate Simulation Center Coordinator
Office:WEGNUR 302
Phone:(585) 385-8303
Karen Parker
Associate Professor
Areas of Interest: Cultural competence and healthcare disparities, medication use and adherence in neuromuscular diseases, service learning and community outreach, any and all Pharmacology topics
Office:WEGPHR 338
Phone:(585) 385-7235
Amy Parkhill
Assistant to the Dean
Office:Salerno 204
Phone:(585) 385-8446
Brittany Pasquale
Managing Partner, Capital Investment Advisors, LLC
Rebecca Pelino
Founder and Executive Board Chair, PrimePay, LLC
William Pellicano
Vice President for Enrollment Management
Office:Kearney Hall 100-A
Phone:(585) 385-8067
Jose Perales
Residence Director, Founders Hall and Michaelhouse
Office:Founders Hall Lobby
Phone:(585) 385-7239
Palmer Perkins
Former Special Advisor to the President, Office of Institutional Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Providence College
Jacqueline Peterson